The Boy’s Club

“For so long I felt that it was about being part of a boy’s club. And now it’s about being part of a girl’s club PROUDLY and feeling power in that. For so long I felt if I can prove that I can ‘hang with the guys’ then I will be more powerful. That really […]

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Positively Ok-ish

As I sit here with a herniated disc and pain in my right leg that I would not wish upon my worst enemy, I can’t help but think about self care and how I ended up here. Self care is shoved down our throats as yet another thing that we have to master but look […]

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Don’t Fill the Silent Gaps

From an early age, women are given both conscious and subconscious cues to make those around her feel comfortable. Perhaps that’s why many of us find it necessary to fill the silent gaps in conversations, whether that’s a conversation with a supervisor to negotiate salary or an awkward silence in a social setting. Many of […]

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A reminder for when you feel creatively blocked

Whether you consider yourself a writer, painter, photographer, etc. you have most likely experienced a creative block. I go through phases where my brain seems to shut down. I convince myself the universe hates me, and I question if inspiration will ever return to me. But over time I have realized that my problem has […]

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The Fear of Love and How I Came to Accept it

There is a saying much repeated by older generations, which goes as, ‘Do not fear anything, for your worst fears will never happen’. Well, guess what? Mine did. I fell in love. Now, one might think, ‘How can love be something that is feared?’ and perhaps in their own way, they are right. Yet, being […]

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Discomfort: Should We Have Some of It in Our Relationships?

There’s an element to my current relationship that almost feels like it shouldn’t be there. It’s the element of discomfort, and it’s one of the best things to enter my life recently. The most valuable things we can offer our partners are the things they struggle to generate as naturally as we do. In my […]

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Dear Diary: Julia Deleted Her Instagram

June 12, 2019 Julia deleted her Instagram today. I noticed because I was on my way to the toilet and something made me think of her and then I wanted to look at pictures of her baby and husband and new house in Miami. You know, look at her life. Fine, judge it. I tried […]

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Welcome To WOWhouse

Psycho means mind. Soma means body. The term psychosomatic, which we’ve been taught to associate with “imaginary” illnesses, in fact refers simply to the physiological connection between the mind and the body – a connection that is seeming more concrete and evident by the day. Science is now showing us with increasing clarity that our […]

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