From Monday, July 30 Newsletter

Founder of Words of Women
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Ginger Rogers And The Pain of Professionalism
Everyone knows Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. The ultimate dancing duo throughout the 1930s, the pair made nine films together. They symbolized “old Hollywood”, a time when life was simple and glamorous. They also symbolized the sexism of the Hollywood industry — paying Ginger half and working her double. Like all strong women, Ginger persevered […]
Miracles in Paris: A Lesson on Keeping The Faith
She said she was moving to Paris. She’d tried New York and nothing was happening. If she didn’t go now, she never would. I told her I thought that was the right choice. I could see her wearing berets, sitting in cafes and singing under a haze of smoke and blue lights. I didn’t tell […]
What Your Fixed, Cardinal or Mutable Sign Means
The 12 signs are divided into 3 groups of four. Each group is assigned a modality. Learning about the modalities can help get a better grasp of the traits of the signs individually. these groups are called quadruplicates, because there are 4 signs in each group. Fixed Signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius The Fixed […]