This is the first Full Moon of the new year. This January New Moon is often referred to as the Wolf Moon, and oh how our soul will howl.
We are out of 2016, but there is still karma being burnt off – be patient.
Mercury has left its hold in retrograde, and went direct on Sunday, January 8th. The past couple of weeks may have left us feeling confused – bouncing between feeling motivated, driven, and confident about the path we are on, only to be met with opposing feelings of confusion, disillusion and melancholia. Don’t be discouraged by this, as we are all experiencing the emotional clash in some way shape or form. Mercury going direct will help sort out this paradox, and bring a clearer head of what we want, where we are going, and our plan to make it happen.
Cancer themes: Emotional wisdom, heightened sensitivity, feminine energy, safety and security.
Cancer can bring up memories and the past, so try not to get stuck there. Acknowledge what things are making themselves known to you during this time – focus on letting go, and burning off the Karma that remains. We do not want to take it with us – it serves no purpose where we are going.
Feeling the effects of these lunar changes is never immediate, and we need to let some time pass to shake off the influences of the energies at play. By now, we should be out of the lag of retrograde – although it may have taken a few days – and be fully embodying the inspiration and momentum that comes with Mercury going direct. We are still in transition, and this can be frustrating to the process, as we often feel that things are only ‘working out’ when there is a sense of instant gratification. We cannot forget that this flux is the journey, and the journey is the most important part of it all.
None the less, trusting in the process can be a challenge, and it sometimes feels like we are putting our faith into something we aren’t sure will work out. Cancer makes this a watery moon, and that will dive down into our emotional depths. Try not to wallow, or for some of us indulge, in these darker, heavier emotions. Do not question yourself, and don’t allow this feeling of unease to rock your sense of self. When we are able to pull ourselves back from the many directions we are being pulled in and charge forward with strength and determination is when we truly make progress both in our inner and outer life. There is a lot of noise coming from many different directions, and when it all gets to be a little too much, cover your ears and listen to the beat of your heart – it will never steer you wrong.
I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.
— Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
It is important that we remain flexible, and not allow every set back to knock us down. Get creative and find a new way. When we are thrown off, and things don’t work out just as we imagine it can make us feel that the universe is telling us to give up. Never give up. And that is not the same as surrendering to the process, which is the key. Bring your mind, your heart, and your head back to the goal (the bigger picture), and continue forward. We don’t always have the answer, but learning to trust your own intuition is a valuable tool, and should be exercised when given the opportunity. View these outward struggles of confusion as an invitation to go inward.
There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying.
— Sarah Dessen, Just Listen
A common theme among those who we admire for their success is persistence and perseverance.
We often seek inspiration and magic from outside sources, and there is nothing wrong with that, but when we crave the magic and can’t seem to get it we can get upset, depressed etc. We need to learn to create our own magic, and inspire our own lives. If you are feeling a lack of creativity and are craving stimulation, create some. Sometimes something as simple as pushing ourselves out of our homes and going to a museum, going for a walk, or taking a notebook to a café can meet us with gifts of inspiration. We must make an effort, no matter how small, to support the universe in presenting us with the things we seek. Reaching out to our network (friends, community) can be helpful in gaining some inspiration when we feel like we might just not have anything else to give.
The people around us offer us a different perspective, and often we are being really hard on ourselves without even realizing it. Reach out and open your arms. Be mindful of who you are surrounding yourself with, as Cancer is an energy absorber, and makes us that much more sensitive to our surroundings and vibrations. As we gain some energy back, make sure that your are manifesting it in a way that is positive, and not the opposite. you are faced with negativity, try your best not be reactive. It will be emotional, so be prepared.
We are almost around the bend, so don’t get discouraged. Think of these trying times (sometimes the dull, mundane are the hardest and most discouraging) as a hill – there is a big struggle, and we loose momentum right before we reach the peak, and just when we want to give up, we reach the top and are met with smooth sailing. The inspiration, energy and magic we so long for is coming, so let us walk towards it.
Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.
— Caroline Myss
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