You’ll Laugh at This…

Well, 2025 is off with a bang. You’d think the universe would give it a break, but no, it’s gotta keep pushing…
A lot has happened since that hopeful December 30th newsletter. I managed to survive the twelve days (now seventeen) of closed daycare, RSV, the

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The Christmas Card

I got my first Christmas card last week.
I retrieved it after a rough morning. I was running around the house, trying to get everything for my errand run before loading the girls in the car for their last day of daycare before winter break (12 days). “Can you

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The Thick of It

I hate that I missed last week’s newsletter. It was Thanksgiving and the girls had two days off. I’m not using it as an excuse, but when I say I lost two days, I don’t mean it figurately.
That’s something I wish

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Another weekend, another fight at the Please Touch Museum. I swear, every fight happens there. My marriage will end, the divorce papers served, in the germ-infested halls of that place.
Ellie was having a meltdown. Her usual new tantrum thing. Jay was doing his usual thing – “I got

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Hello Darkness

Things have gotten better, and somehow worse, in the Mandy/Martin household. After the virus, then pink eye, there was a brief stint of relief. The girls went back to daycare. I did a podcast, went to Ikea, ate meatballs in the cafeteria across from an older woman also eating

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