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Read the rest of Advice for Thank-You Notes by subscribing to the Words of Women Newsletter.
I went to sleep somewhat sad. But I awoke happy, purely animal. When I opened the bedroom windows and looked out onto the cool, calm garden in the first rays of sunlight, I was certain there was nothing to do but live. – Clarice Lispector I was on the verge of a meltdown this weekend. […]
Yoko Ono believes the seven-year itch in marriage is caused by the seven years it takes for our cells to die off and replace themselves, causing us to wake up one day as different people, staring into different people’s eyes. I’ve been thinking about that idea a lot recently. It got stuck in my mind […]
Anyone longing to be a writer knows it’s a solitary vocation. Hours upon days upon months are spent alone with one’s own mind, leading to doubts, fears and overall consternation. But that’s the life you have chosen. That’s the price to pay for a great work of literature — to have your words read by […]