What The Language You Speak Says About You

I have always been entranced by language. The way it’s written, spoken, interpreted. The way the French have a word for a certain ‘blue’ type of day. The way the Spanish rolls their rs. The way there are no. The way our minds are molded by the sentences we hear. The way our faces change […]

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My Daughter’s Birthday

Today is my second daughter’s first birthday. When I dropped her off at daycare this morning the teachers had a sign and balloons and started singing Happy Birthday. Then Ms. Nadiyah came over to me and said, “Can you believe it! She’s one!”

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I’m Not Scared of You

The thing no writer will say is their agent probably hasn’t called in six months. That they speak to their agent twice, maybe once, a year. That in reality, they’re terrified of their agent.

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